The 3-Letter Words Child Psychologists Love
The 3-Letter Words Child Psychologists Love Pandemic parenting burning you out? Use these words psychologists endorse. Pandemic parenting is hard. For many of us, parenting
The 3-Letter Words Child Psychologists Love Pandemic parenting burning you out? Use these words psychologists endorse. Pandemic parenting is hard. For many of us, parenting
6 Ways to Calm Down an Out-of-Control Partner New relationship research suggests 6 approaches that can de-stress your partner. Even during the best of times,
Why Romantic Partners Really Argue: What You May Not Know What’s really at the root of arguments and what can help. The quality of relationships
How Screen Time and Green Time May Affect Youth Psychological Outcomes Less screen time and more green time are associated with better psychological outcomes among
It’s Time for Psychology to Lead, Not Follow Psychotherapy is not a medical treatment. One of the most powerful constructs I know is called supervenience.
We Could All Use Some Psychological First Aid These five elements can help psychological recovery after a crisis. Posted by Mary McNaughton-Cassill Ph.D. on Jul
The Attachment Theory : How Childhood Shapes your Life
Attachment theory helps us understand how our childhood especially our early childhood bonding experiences with our parents mainly mothers though it can be primary caregivers like nannies or grandparents too can affect our views of ourselves, others and the world. Hence, it will affect our relationships with others in the future. Therapy can help someone to work through the insecure attachments they have had and learn to build good relationships moving forward.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjOowWxOXCg&feature=youtu.be
The REAL FAKE NEWS – NEVER Listen To This Internal Talk
How & what we say to ourselves is important! If we keep listening to Fake news inside our head, it becomes our reality. We are what we believe!!
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkqWBjcXASU&feature=youtu.be
JACK MA: You Need To Hear This
Pure & good intentions will pave the way to success!! When there is a will, there is a way. Just do not be afraid of hardwork & setbacks.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rojft7g2BSI&feature=youtu.be